Heat exchangers, reactors, boilers and condensers are used in all fields of energy supply as well as in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries. Failure of the tubing will result in the undesirable discharge and mixture of the contained media. Our state of the art corrosion inspection method using the eddy current technique can help avoid costly production disturbances by early detection of possible tube wall damage.
Environmental pollution, loss of production and even a risk to health and safety can be the consequence, if corrosion or crack attack at pipes isn’t detected in its early stages. Therefore reliable defect detection at the inside and outside of pipes provides advance notice. Depending on the access situation Kontrolltechnik GmbH uses internal or external pipe scanners for these inspection tasks.
Mainly the Oil & Gas industry has realized the advantages of the SLOFEC® technique for tank, pipe and vessel inspection. The technical and economic advantages of the technology are high detection sensitivity, high inspection speed, inspection of thick wall components and inspection through coatings. Additionally a weld testing system allows to detect surface cracks even under nonconductive coatings.
Several inspection tasks need customized solutions depending on geometry, accessibility and general requirements. Due to their high level engineering capacities Kontrolltechnik GmbH together with TMT Test Maschinen Technik GmbH are able to design and manufacture special sensors as well as tools and manipulators to fulfill the requirements for such requests.